Who is Hongjoong [Ateez] ?

Who is Hongjoong [Ateez] ?

Want to know everything about this rapper from the boy band Ateez? Do you want to know about his life as an Idol ? Are you a fan of Hongjoong and his Korean music group ?

You are in the right place, on Korean Style Shop, we will answer all your questions about Hongjoong.

Hongjoong (홍중) is the leader of the group Ateez. He is known for the quality of his facial expressions and for his rapping and songwriting skills in the group Ateez. He is the Ultimate Bias of many Atiny.

In this article you will be able to discover:

  • The history of this self-taught rapper
  • Some anecdotes about the leader of Ateez
  • The tastes and style of Hongjoong


Features of Hongjoong

Name : Kim Hong Joong
Group name : Hongjoong
Date of birth : November 7, 1998
Group : ATEEZ (A Teenager Z)
Fandom: Atiny
Motto: "I make my own way
Character: Hardworking, Determined and Perfectionist.
Interests: Music, Sports and Shopping.

Ateez Hongjoong Smile 

Ateez hongjoong smile

The story of young Hongjoong

His story began on November 7, 1998 in Anyang, South Korea where he grew up with his older brother.

Inspired by rappers like Zico and G-Dragon, Hongjoong dreamed of becoming a K-Pop idol to express himself in his music and positively influence others through it.

To achieve his dream, he joined SIMS Academy (SIMS 아카데미) which helped him become an intern at KQ Entertainment.

In October 2017, Hongjoong was one of the 4 trainees of KQ Entertainment to pass the audition for the show MIXNINE. Check it out here in this video. This is a survival reality show hosted by YG Entertainment. He will be eliminated in episode 10 and will finish in 42ᵉ position.

Before debuting with Ateez, Hongjoong was included in the KQ Fellaz project with several interns from KQ Entertainment.


His debut at Ateez

The year 2018 marked Hongjoong's debut as a member of the music group Ateez. On October 24, 2018, it was the release of "Treasure EP. 1: All to Zero."

Since this release, Hongjoong and the other members of Ateez have experienced international popularity and have become staple artists in the K-pop world.

In 2021, Hongjoong performed in the show Kingdom Legendary War alongside other groups such as The Boyz, Stray Kids and iKON. The group Ateez finished in 3ᵉ position.` Check it out here.


5 facts about Kim Hong Joong

GIF Hongjoong Ateez
  • His favorite colors are red and yellow.
  • He has studied English with Netflix, including "Modern Family."
  • His laptop was stolen during a trip to America.
  • He has composed about 40 songs for Ateez.
  • He doesn't like green vegetables and peppers.


2 videos on this singer from Ateez

This cover of Linkin Park is very appreciated by the fans of Ateez and especially HongJoong. He shows his vocal talents.


A compilation with the best moments of Hongjoong. It's very funny to see this artist in everyday life.

HongJoong is an idol with a future

In this article, we have seen where Hongjoong's career in the Korean group Ateez comes from. He is a very complete idol, as he also composes music.

After all the way he has come in a few years, do you think Hongjoong still has a lot of future in K-pop ? One thing is sure, we will continue to follow the adventures of this unusual rapper.
